What are the Top Signs You need a Massage

In today's society, people often prioritize everything else except their own health. There are many instances where your body gives you signals to stop overdoing and give yourself a break. Taking time for yourself and indulging in self-care activities like massaging can be a great way to keep your body healthy again. In this blog post, you will discover what are the top signs you need a massage.


1. Persistent Muscle Pain or Tension

One of the signs your body tells you to get a massage is having persistent body pain. Body pain that shows up even when doing the simplest of tasks. This is when you do not care about your posture or stretch and exercise enough.

Moreover, prolonged sitting and repeated activities can cause to stiffen and make the muscles look tensed causing pain and even hinder from proper movements. That is when your body craves a massage. After the massage session, your stiff muscles will be more relaxed and loosened.

Moreover, you get your tasks done without a stiff neck, shoulders, back, or knee.

2. Frequent Headaches or Migraines

There are several reasons that you are getting headaches, but getting a massage can help you get rid of that headache, even if it's from stress, muscle stiffness, or any other reasons.

Wherever the body experiences high-stress levels, headaches can commonly occur. This can be due to high cortisol levels which causes inflammation in the head, or because your body is in a state of flight or flight mode. Also when the body is stressed, there can be fluctuations and decreases in the production of hormones such as serotonin and dopamine, causing pain..

Moreover, stress levels can also cause an increase in muscle stiffness in the heading leading to headaches. Therefore, the massage reduces the cortisol levels while also releasing the stiff and tensed muscles in the head and neck.

3. Feeling Constantly Stressed or Anxious

People are so stressed nowadays. Stress is quite common among people. Individuals are more workaholics, fixed to their laptops and smartphones, and always spending time indoors, which can be some of the reasons that can lead to heightened stress levels.

The high-stress level and its visible symptoms are your call to get a massage. During the massage session, the massage therapists, manipulate the stress levels by lowering the cortisol levels.

Moreover, massage can be also helpful in stimulating the production of hormones such as dopamine and serotonin which are known to improve mood and drift away from the symptoms of anxiety.

At Chameli Massage Center in Ajman, we offer to provide one of the best massages with top quality and enriched with the pleasure of luxury. We are sure to fulfill each of our customers with a wide range of massages and services.

4. Poor Sleep or Insomnia

Sleep is very crucial for the proper functioning of the body. Poor sleep schedules and insomnia can be due to high-stress levels, muscle tension, chronic pain, and many other reasons. Not hitting the 7-9 hours of sleep can disrupt many body functions including logical thinking, concentration, hormonal disruption, increased blood pressure, and many more.

Not getting enough sleep can be a sign for you to sign up for your next massaging session. Additionally, the massage can help activate the functioning of the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps make the body more relaxed and shift it from flight or fight mode. This process is what makes you feel drowsy and sleepy after the massage.

So after regular sessions of massage, you will be able to get back to your healthy sleeping schedule

At Ajman Spa, you can personalize your massage sessions how you want them to be so that you can get the results you desire.


Your body is constantly sending you signals in terms of symptoms such as persistent muscle pain, frequent headaches, or headaches, feeling stress, insomnia and so much more. This is a sign for you to focus on your health much more. Massage can be one of the best ways to relax your body and mind and give self-care for yourself.

At Chameli Ajman Spa, you can the best quality massage service at such an affordable and reasonable price of just 99 AED only. If you are worried about a packed busy schedule of work, don't be because provide service 24 hours including weekends.

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